admin – Calmathsoc Let's Talk Gold Investments Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:02:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A List Of Gold IRA Companies Mon, 10 Oct 2022 17:02:26 +0000 Continue reading

If you’re looking to invest in a Gold IRA, then the first step is to find a reputable company that can create and maintain a Gold IRA for you. There are many Gold IRA companies to choose from, and all of them have their perks. The only natural way to find a company that’s going to be the best fit for you is by doing your research and finding the company with the most awards (like American Hartford Gold).

A List Of Gold IRA Companies

1. Gold IRA Company

One of the largest companies for safely holding your Gold is The Gold IRA. This company was established in 2006 and has distinguished itself from other companies because of the awards it has received. “The Gold IRA has been a finalist for an impressive number of awards in just the past few years, including being named Small Business of the Year by Independents Financing Review and being named AIG Banker’s top Recipient of a Gold IRA award.”

American Hartford Gold is definitely one of our favorites. See this American Hartford Gold review to see if they may be the right company for your needs.

2. Goldeasy IRA

Goldey is a well-respected company that can provide you with different options to store your Gold. Goldeasy was founded by Dave Arnott, who also created Canada’s most valuable gold coin. Goldey can create your Gold IRA with or without an app.

The Goldeasy IRA is one of the fastest-growing companies in the industry and has been named a leading company in the United States by Bloomberg.

3. Gold Bullion Company

Gold Bullion has tons of awards to their name, and they are also a very well-established company that can help you find suitable options for your gold needs. Gold Bullion won several awards, including Financing Review’s best Recipient of a Platinum level award for a company that opened its doors in 2004.
4. Gold Bullion Direct IRA

A third Gold Bullion company is Gold Bullion Direct, where they have been doing business for over 25 years. Gold Bullion Direct has a unique way of marketing its products and services. They provide an app that allows you to view your balances throughout the day. The app even provides a way to notify you when your funds reach a certain amount so you can use them at your convenience.

5. ZenGold IRA

ZenGold is another excellent company in the industry that can help store your Gold in the proper manner. ZenGold has a way of providing you with the best options for your investment and can create a transparent program that’s going to be beneficial to you. ZenGold is also the only one of the companies that have an A+ rating from BBB.

7. Gold IRA Center

The Gold IRA Center offers many different options for investing in Gold. The company has many partners, providing unique solutions for people looking to invest in a Gold IRA. Another great thing about this company is that there are no hidden fees or issues, so you know exactly what you’ll get when you choose them as your Gold IRA Company.

8. The Gold IRA Company

The Gold IRA Company is another excellent choice for anyone investing in your Gold. As a leader in the industry, The Gold IRA Company has been around for over a decade and has been named a finalist for several different awards. The company also maintains high ratings from the Better Business Bureau.

9. American Precious Metals Exchange

APMEX is one of the largest precious metals dealers in the United States and they offer some very unique ways to invest in your Gold. One of these ways includes buying 100 ounces of silver at once, which can be an attractive benefit to many investors
10. Gold IRA Services

Gold IRA Services is another good choice for anyone who is trying to find a Gold IRA Company. They have been doing business for over 30 years, and they are one of the most trusted companies in the industry. Gold IRA Services offers a wide variety of solutions when it comes to investing your Gold and they have received several different awards because of the great work that they offer.

11. Pure Gold Investments

Pure Gold Investments has been around since 2006, but they have received tons of awards because of their outstanding services. Pure Gold also prides themselves on being a customer focused company, so if you have any questions you can always get in touch with them and get answers as quickly as possible.

12. Gold IRA Services

Gold IRA Services is another great choice for a Gold IRA Company. They are one of the most established companies in the industry and they have been featured in several different magazines because of their unique services.

13. Moricoro’s Gold & Silver

Moricoro’s Gold & Silver has been around since 1977, and it has gone through some changes over the years, but the owner has remained dedicated to providing you with outstanding services.

As you can see, there are many different options available when it comes to investing in a Gold IRA. You don’t need to do any research or anything because they already did all of the work for you. All you have to do is find a good company, and then make sure everything is going to be okay when you invest your Gold. Using these companies will provide you with the best possible option for your needs, and there’s no reason not to use them because they are all well respected companies that can offer you some really good solutions if you decide that this is something that’s going to be beneficial for your financial situation.

How Much Gold Do I Need To Retire? Sat, 20 Aug 2022 15:19:11 +0000 Continue reading

One needs to be prepared for the future to retire in style successfully. Retirement planning experts say a conservative estimate for retirement is $2 million in assets or about 22-33 ounces of gold on average.

This post will explain the steps you can take to determine how much gold you require to retire comfortably and maintain a high standard of living confidently.

How Much Gold Do I Need To Retire?

Calculating Your Required Gold Amount For Retirement

Calculating how much gold you need for retirement may seem daunting. It is important to consider your retirement lifestyle and decide how much gold you will need as a nest egg upon retirement. Financial experts agree that 2 million dollars are the assumed minimum sum of money people should have saved by the time they decide to retire.

How much money you need for retirement may vary from person to person and will depend on your financial situation, age, and spending habits. If you are unsure how much gold you need for retirement, consult a professional financial advisor or an experienced consultant specializing in retirement planning.

The first step to determining how much gold you require for retirement is establishing a benchmark figure of 22-33 ounces. Gold bullion weighs between 0.10 and 0.22 troy ounces and can easily convert into bars and coins.

The average price of gold today is approximately $1800 per ounce, so you will need $2,400-$3,200 to retire comfortably.

To determine how much you need for retirement based on 22-33 ounces of gold, follow these steps: –

Step 1: Multiply the current price of gold by 0.1 (For example: $1800 * .1 = $180).

Step 2: Multiply the starting amount by 33.33% (i.e.: $2,400 * .33 = $1,080).

Step 3: Add up the previous two steps to arrive at the total amount you need ($2,400 + $1,080 = $3,200).

Example: Let’s say that gold prices have risen by 5% in a month’s time. If gold prices have risen by 5% in the same month, you must add up your previous figures.

After one month, gold prices will have risen by 5% in the same month: $1800 * .005 = $10.00

Your total amount of gold needed is now ($3,200 + $10.00 = $3,210).

Step 4: If the final amount exceeds $3,200, you will need more gold than stated in this article.

In our example: Let’s say that gold prices have risen by 5% after one month. Using the same calculation as in steps 1-3 above, your final amount should be somewhere between $3,210 and $3,230. You will need more gold to retire comfortably at this price.

Step 5: To get a better estimate of the amount of gold you need, figure out your expenses and calculate monthly costs.

Do you want to travel abroad? What about your children’s education? Do you want to buy a new car or house? What are your annual expenditures? Your cost of living depends on many factors and your place. A good investment provides an income throughout the year; gold is one such investment since it produces monthly yields.

How Much Gold Do I Need To Retire?

How Much Gold Should You Own?

Gold may be ideal for investors who need to amass enough funds to retire in style. It is a stable investment that can serve as a source of income and offer protection against inflation and economic downturns.

Another reason why gold is ideal for retirement planning because it does not require large sums of money to set up. A few hundred dollars will be sufficient for the initial investment, which helps people save as well as build their nest eggs.

In the end, we recommend calculating how much gold you require before you build up your savings and make an investment. Remember that planning makes sense, especially when it comes to retirement planning.

Are you ready to start building your retirement plan? If you want to learn more about gold and retirement planning, please contact a financial advisor or consultant specializing in retirement plans. Disclaimer: The material provided on this website is intended to convey general information only and is not intended as specific investment advice. Any opinions or recommendations expressed herein reflect our judgment at this point and are subject to change without notice.

We do not guarantee that any investments will be profitable or that any investment recommendations will achieve their objectives. There is a risk of loss when investing in gold, stocks, and other securities. Investments can fluctuate in value, as well as go down in value. Investors should always monitor their investments for potential losses. Gold Bullion is a form of digital money with a high value compared to other currencies. Please consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Should I Buy Gold During Inflation? Sat, 20 Aug 2022 15:11:23 +0000 Continue reading

Inflation is a genuine threat to an economy, and one way to protect your assets is by buying Gold. It’s been widely debated whether or not this is the best option during inflation, but Gold generally will keep its value because you can melt it down.

In recent years, more and more people have begun considering buying physical Gold to store as a wealth-protecting investment. Some of these people have grown cautious of the US dollar, citing that its value is becoming increasingly uncertain because of increasing inflation and declining economic growth.

Gold is seen as a safer investment during high inflation than cash. Gold and other metals have always been considered alternative assets to store value during economic instability. This is true for two reasons:

  • Gold’s value goes up alongside inflation, giving you more purchasing power.
  • Gold is generally the last currency to be impacted by inflation; therefore, it’s perceived as a haven.

Its long history as a stable store of wealth has created a strong perception among investors that it will always retain its value and even increase in value during times of economic uncertainty.

Should I Buy Gold During Inflation?

Why Gold is Considered a Safe Haven Asset During High Inflation

Historically, Gold has always and will always retain its value. Gold has been used as money, trade goods, and jewelry since the beginning of recorded history. Its value has been stable throughout the ages.

There are many reasons why Gold retains its value. Some of the key reasons are as follows:

#1. Gold is a finite resource. There is only so much Gold in the world, and there will never be more of it. It cannot be created out of thin air as fiat currencies can. As the demand for Gold increases, so does the price.

#2. Gold is easy to transport and store; it is malleable, corrosion resistant, and doesn’t oxidize. These properties make it a good investment asset during times of economic instability.

#3. Gold’s price is determined by supply and demand. Governments or central banks do not manipulate it because the Gold market is decentralized.

#4. Since the financial crisis of 2008, central banks worldwide have been buying Gold to diversify their reserves away from the US dollar.

#5. The supply of Gold increases very slowly with Gold mine production. When demand increases exponentially, the price of Gold goes up.

During times of high inflation, investors flock to Gold as a haven asset because it is perceived as an inflation hedge or a hedge against currency depreciation. This is especially true during a financial crisis or economic downturn.

Advantages of Investing in Gold During High Inflation

Gold is seen as an alternative to cash during times of high inflation because it will retain its value through currency depreciation. Here are some of the main reasons why you should buy Gold during high inflation:

#1. As the prices of goods and services go up, the value of Gold also goes up. It will always be worth more, and you’ll be able to buy more with your newly acquired Gold than you would liquid cash.

#2. Gold is a store of wealth. It can be used as an inflation hedge during high inflation and economic uncertainty. Gold is seen as a “safe-haven” investment during economic uncertainty.

#3. Gold is an inflation hedge and helps protect you from the devaluation of your local currency. It can also help protect you from hyperinflation, as seen in Zimbabwe and Venezuela in recent times.

#4. Gold prices go up when the US dollar goes down; therefore, you can also use it to hedge against US dollar devaluation.

#5. Gold is easy to store and transport; it does not require much maintenance.

#6. Gold will always retain its value; there are no bankruptcy options when investing in Gold.

Disadvantages of Investing in Gold During High Inflation

#1. The main disadvantage of investing in Gold during high inflation is the perception that Gold is a “safe-haven” asset. Gold does not always retain its value during times of high inflation. Just because it has been doing so for centuries does not mean it will continue.

#2. Unlike cash, Gold has limited utility during times of high inflation. You can’t buy a cup of coffee with Gold, whereas you can buy with cash.

#3. Gold is not very liquid as an investment and is therefore not an ideal investment for day trading.

#4. Physical Gold can be stolen or confiscated. It can be melted down and re-used in criminal activities, making it a less attractive investment.

#5. Gold can go down and up in value relative to the currency you are storing.

Should I Buy Gold During Inflation?


There are many reasons why people should buy Gold during high inflation. It is a good long-term investment; however, Gold may or may not retain its value during high inflation if you buy Gold, research, and ensure that it is a good value for your money.

You should first decide on a price for Gold that you feel comfortable with and ensure that the Gold is authentic. The higher the price that you set, the more you will save. Selecting a high price will also help encourage other people to sell their Gold and reduce the overall supply of Gold in the market. You can also choose to buy Gold electronically instead of physically.

Where Is The Safest Place To Buy Gold? Sat, 20 Aug 2022 15:04:54 +0000 Continue reading

Gold is a precious item, but if you have ever purchased some, you know that prices can vary quite dramatically. In today’s global economy, you should buy gold from places with low turnover rates, high liquidity levels, and committed customer service. If you are ready to start investing in gold, we suggest reading this article to learn more about how you can safely acquire gold.

Where Is The Safest Place To Buy Gold?

Safest Place To Buy Gold

1. Buy Gold Online

With the tremendous advancement in technology, online trading has become very popular. Online gold trading sites offer a fast, secure and convenient way to purchase gold. The process is the same as if you shopped in a local store, except that instead of storing gold at a physical location, it is secured in a vault run by an independent company.

To avoid any issues with security, they make transfers using advanced encryption software, and many firms also use physical storage in vaults for added protection. Many online dealers use a third-party vault service to store the gold and will be able to send you documentation on request. In addition, they offer a wide range of payment options, including PayPal or bank transfer.

2. Physical Stores

Physical stores are safe for buying gold because the dealer will take all the necessary steps to ensure the transaction is secure. For this reason, many dealers will accept bank transfers such as PayPal and credit card payments. The process gets completed on the spot, and your gold will be immediately transferred to another vault if you choose not to take delivery.

You can also sell your gold online securely without tracking it through third parties. This allows you to take advantage of the same convenience offered when you purchase gold online, but with added security.

3. Through a Broker

If you have chosen to buy gold, then it is advisable to do so through a reputable dealer who will take care of everything from collecting your gold from your seller or other secure storage location to storing it securely until the completion of the transaction. Many dealers will also offer you the ability to transfer money directly into the seller’s bank account once the transaction is complete.

4. Exchange Traded Funds (EFTs)

Another safe place to buy gold is EFTs Gold. They are a reputable website that sells gold and hosts several dealers. The way they do it is simple: by taking a commission fee on the sale, dealers can provide their customers with competitive prices and many extras, including free shipping.

They also offer free and fast delivery when you make the order, which is unique in the gold industry. EFTs Gold is a website worth your consideration if you are in the market for some gold.

5. Buy gold from a Private Seller

Private sellers are one of the best places to buy gold from because they can explain where their gold has come from and show you any documentation demonstrating its authenticity. You may also be able to negotiate a lower price.

However, it is essential to ensure that you buy from someone you can trust, as there have been instances of fake gold. For example, criminals can use tungsten instead of gold.

6. Buy gold from a Pawnshop

A reputable pawnshop offers a wide range of security options, which include the ability to design a custom package for you. They will take your gold and store it securely in their secure vault.

You can also buy gold from some pawnshops at less than the spot price or below market value. You will have to pay for this service if you decide not to take delivery of your gold. But if you decide to take delivery, you can take your gold to a pawnshop using a secure prepaid post office. The gold will then be securely stored in the vault indefinitely.

7. Gold Bullion

The final safe place to buy gold is in the form of coins and bars. These are usually bought for investment purposes, but you can also buy them to make gifts for family or friends. Collectors highly covet them because of their unique designs and high-quality workmanship, but they don’t come cheap.

Where Is The Safest Place To Buy Gold?


There are many safe places to buy and sell gold in today’s global economy. The online gold market is growing in popularity and provides a convenient way to buy safe and secure gold. It is also great for people who want to invest in gold but do not want the hassle of carrying around large amounts of cash. If you plan to buy gold today, choose any of the above-discussed places.

How Does A Gold And Silver IRA Work? Sat, 20 Aug 2022 14:58:57 +0000 Continue reading

An IRA is a great way to set aside money for retirement and get tax breaks. A gold and silver IRA is a particular type of IRA that allows you to invest in precious metals such as gold or silver instead of more traditional investments like stocks. If you choose to store your gold and silver in an IRA, there are some things you should know. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about gold and silver IRAs.

How Does A Gold And Silver IRA Work?

How Does A Gold And Silver IRA Work?

#1. Open a Gold or Silver IRA

A gold and silver IRA is an individual retirement account that invests in precious metals like gold or silver bullion. To open gold or silver IRA with a storage facility, you must fill out the paperwork and pay any required establishment fees. By selecting one of many storage facilities, you will then choose how to invest your money, how much risk you want to take, and which precious metals you prefer.

#2. Get Your Gold or Silver Bullion Sent to Your Storage Facility

Your gold or silver bullion will be sent from the storage facility to your IRA custodian in exchange for shares of precious metal stored with this company. The custodian will then transfer the gold or silver to a vault where it’s stored, and you’ll receive your gold or silver bullion back when you take it out of the vault.

#3. Sell Your Precious Metal Shares When You Take Out Gold or Silver Bullion

When you want to take out your gold or silver bullion, you can sell the shares in your IRA holdings with the custodian. If you sell shares of your precious metal in a gold and silver IRA, you’ll be able to withdraw the fair market value of your metal and any gains that may have accrued over time.

#4. Make Dividends From Precious Metal Holdings

If you prefer, you can also reinvest dividends from your precious metal holdings directly in more precious metals. These dividends are considered a return of capital, which isn’t subject to capital gains tax, and are included when calculating your overall tax liability on the sale of the metal.

#5. Get Tax Benefits From Your Precious Metal Holdings

Precious metal IRAs have several tax benefits, making them a smart choice for some investors. The most notable of these is the ability to deduct at least part of the interest on your precious metal holdings from your taxable income. So if you’re in a high tax bracket and take full advantage of your precious metals IRAs, you’ll save more money than you expect by investing in gold and silver.

#6. Track Your Precious Metal Holdings With Gold or Silver IRA Reports Online

You can use IRA reports online to track the amount of gold or silver in each holding and its value. Gold or Silver IRA reports give you an excellent overview of your precious metals IRAs and their values over time.

#7. Sell Your Precious Metal Holdings or Convert to a Different Type of IRA

When you sell your precious metal holdings, you can also choose to convert the proceeds from your gold or silver bullion into a new type of IRA, such as a Roth. The rollover is straightforward and quick, so it’s an easy way to diversify your portfolio without paying too much in taxes on selling your precious metals holdings.

#8. Take Your Gold or Silver Bullion Out of Your IRA Without Paying Taxes

If you’ve held your precious metal for at least five years, you can withdraw it from an IRA without paying any taxes on the accrued gains. This makes the gold or silver IRA even more appealing, especially for people looking for ways to diversify their investment portfolio and protect their money from inflation through precious metals like gold.

The bottom line: With a gold or silver IRA, you can invest in physical gold and silver holdings without buying them yourself. You have to pay attention to these services’ costs and ensure that you’re getting an honest deal with your precious metal IRA provider.

How Does A Gold And Silver IRA Work?

Final Verdict

What is the best way to buy gold & silver coins?” is simple to answer. The best way to buy gold and silver coins is through a Gold IRA or a Silver IRA if you want protection against inflation. A Gold or Silver IRA allows you to own precious physical metals with IRS deductibility of withholding taxes and capital gains deferral if you follow the rules set up by the IRS. You also get tax credits on your payments on precious metals held in your IRA invested in a fund or an ETF for five years before withdrawing them from your account.

How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Precious Metals? Sat, 20 Aug 2022 14:50:37 +0000 Continue reading

If you are considering adding more precious metals to your portfolio, there are a few things for you to take into consideration. One of the significant factors is what percentage currently constitutes your total holdings in this asset class. If, for example, it is in the low single digits or even as low as one percent, then increasing that amount would be wise. You can use it to figure out approximately how much and which kinds of assets will work best for you and still not overshoot any overall risk tolerance limits you may have noted.

How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Precious Metals?

How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Precious Metals?

#1. Start by determining how many precious metals you already have.

Take your total portfolio value, which consists of cash and other assets. Subtract from that the amount of real estate you own and any automobiles or other traditionally valued assets. The remaining number equals your total net worth. This value should be used to calculate how much of your portfolio should be in precious metals.

#2. Determine what percentage of your total net worth (the number above) is allocated to precious metals.

For example, if you determined that you have a net worth of $100,000 and 95% of it is invested in cash and real estate, then you would allocate 5% to precious metals. If the portfolio value were more outstanding than $100,000, you would give a higher percentage.

#3. Take the percentages you determined above and multiply them to calculate how much of your wealth you should allocate toward precious metals.

For example, if your portfolio is worth $100,000 and 5% is allocated to precious metals, you would give 5% x 5%, or $2,000, to gold jewelry and bullion. It is a meager percentage of your overall net worth, but it is still a significant amount.

#4. Subtract the percentages you allocated to precious metals from your total net worth.

The amount left over is the percentage of your overall portfolio that should be allocated to precious metals. If most of your net worth is given to other assets, you may want to increase or decrease the percentage accordingly. If all or almost all of it is in precious metals, you need not change anything further.

#5. Determine how much of your portfolio should be in each precious metal.

For example, if you choose to invest in gold, you will have to determine how much of that 5% allocation should be in gold bullion or bars and how much should be in gold jewelry. The same goes for silver or other precious metals. It is not a complicated calculation, and it is relatively easy. The only thing you must remember is that more precious metals mean more diversification, so if possible, allocate more toward a single metal than you would otherwise like.

#6. Once you have determined the percentage of your overall portfolio allocated to precious metals, give all this new amount into one or more precious metal assets.

This step is only required if you allocate a more significant percentage than anticipated to a single metal. If all of it went into silver and gold bullion, you no longer need to give any more silver and gold bars or jewelry.

#7. Determine what price the precious metal asset should yield after mining is completed, tax is paid on profits, and all other expenses are subtracted.

It is the amount you will pay for the same piece of real estate after all 12-15% inflationary taxation has completed itself. It is the actual value-producing entity, not the price of gold or silver at today’s market price. There’s no way that you can accurately determine today’s market price based on the cost of mining and manufacturing, as this cost takes place over a long period and includes all overhead, overhead such as research and development, along with individual company expenses in production, so there is no accurate way to calculate what it should cost from a pure money perspective. The only thing that could work would be if you could hire a mathematician and have him borrow the figures from Wikipedia or another credible source.

#8. Determine the appropriate risk tolerance for your portfolio.

For example, if you want to invest in precious metals but are only willing to take a small amount of risk, then you do not wish to invest that much. If, however, your portfolio is full of junk and very few valuable assets and you are very wealthy in general, then this would be a good time for a higher-risk investment strategy. Determining how much of your portfolio should be in precious metals and how different investments should be allocated is one way to diversify effectively.

How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Precious Metals?

Final Verdict

If you are considering adding more precious metals to your portfolio, there are a few things for you to take into consideration. One of the significant factors is what percentage currently constitutes your total holdings in this asset class. If, for example, it is in the low single digits or even as low as one percent, then increasing that amount would be wise. You can use this article to figure out approximately how much and which kinds of assets will work best for you and still not overshoot any overall risk tolerance limits you may have noted.

The Talk Line is Open at Calmathsoc Tue, 09 Aug 2022 20:56:47 +0000 Continue reading

Hi everyone. It’s time to begin the conversation here at Calmathsoc, your source for learning about the things that are important in your personal lives. Are you interested in learning more about investing for retirement? How about maintaining your home so that it gains in equity and overall value? What about your or your children’s education?

I think what I’m leaning towards including here at Calmathsoc is more specific subject matter (versus broad topics). For example, I would rather focus on something like “Why spot silver fluctuates so much,” rather than, “Precious Metals Investing.”

I mean, yes, we can have that general article, but I’d also like to dive more deeply into specifics. Hopefully you will agree! Ok, time to get posting!
